You’re invited to join members of the Handlan Chapter of the Brooks Bird Club to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, 8 am Saturday morning, May 13, birding in Ward Hollow in South Charleston. Spring birds are arriving, as well as residents. We’ll be looking for sparrows, hawks, warblers, herons and maybe a few ducks. Be prepared to walk 1-2 miles on paved and gravel roads. Bring sunscreen, water, snacks and binoculars. They’ll have a few binoculars to loan. Check the weather before heading out and dress appropriately.
Ward Hollow is an area managed by DOW Chemical for habitat and education, and access is restricted. Recent projects have including controlling cattail encroachment, maintaining open rocky areas for reptiles, and completing a red-wiggler composting toilet. We will enter and exit as a group, and you will need to sign a waiver if you have not done so before.
All are welcomed to attend
Directions. Turn into the Bridge Valley Technical Center, South Charleston, from Kanawha Turnpike. Go straight; and at the tee intersection swing to the left toward Bridge Valley Community and Technical School, 6100 Union Carbide Drive. In about 3/4 mile, the road will circle around the large glass-covered building on the left (Bridge Valley School). Make a right into a parking lot across from the school. You will pass a large bldg on the right (BLDG 6000). The Ward Hollow entrance gate is in back of the building. Back-in parking only.
Call or text Laura Ceperley (304-389-3562) if more directions are needed.