Once again it is time to venture to the mountains of Webster County, WV for the Webster County Nature Tour scheduled May 5-7, 2023 to experience beautiful plants and birds in God’s country. Take group tours to identify early spring wildflowers with plant experts in Webster County and surrounding areas. All tour leaders are current or former natural resources agency personnel and are active members of the West Virginia Native Plant Society. Most tour leaders are also active birders, and a group bird walk is scheduled to look for spring migrants. Walks range from very vigorous (Elk Mountain, with extraordinary scenery) to very easy (car/gentle walking tours in the Cranberry/Scenic Highway area), and everything in between.
Webster County is known for its scenic beauty and hospitality. Campers can choose to stay at Camp Caesar in Upper Glade, WV, or travel to Upper Glade for organized tours from home, camp, or other accommodations. Five meals are also included with the registration, or participants can choose certain meals or none. Do yourself a favor and don’t miss this year’s event! Please call Linda Carpenter (or leave a message) at (304) 847-2467.